Oil drop

Our oil display! After many hours of contemplating and discussion we finally have our oil display up! At first the display was going to be a giant tree but as I looked at what it was going to take the idea seemed farther and farther away. We're we going to paint it, do a decal, some giant stencil? We had tons of ideas but the cost moved higher and higher. The Hubby and kids were in our doTERRA room with me talking about what we were going to do on the wall and someone, I think one of the kids, mentioned a drop....what an amazing idea!!! To be honest I have been a little obsessed since we decided to do it. At fist it was going to be floating shelves but I was thinking that it would not be sturdy enough and my Hubby though of a wire to go around the whole drop so it actually looks like a drop...it was a great idea because it really makes it all come together. There were hiccups along the way like placement of the shelves but in the end it worked out. I am doing a Bib...