Not so Knotie

We just came back from an awesome visit to see friends in Colorado! As we were driving Allen kept moving his whole upper body to look side to side. I started rubbing his neck down with Past Tense, one of his favorite doTERRA blends, but it did not released the knots. So we added Deep Blue layering it, Deep Blue then Past Tense. That still did not get out the knots. Then I thought about all the oils we had talked about at the doTERRA class last night. Balance is one of Chrystal's favorite oils and it is also her friend Pam's favorite oil! So I thought, let's try it! I just did one side from a couple drops out of a sample bottle and he could move again!!! I was amazed! I rubbed it on the other side and at the base of his skull and he had full range of motion! I know Balance is an awesome oil. It helps with emotional and physical balance, anxiety, depression, fear, grief, sorrow, mood swings, bursitis, confusion, convulsions, diabetic sores, Grand Mal Seizures, seiz...