Our oil Journey

 Our oil journey started in November 2011 when a friend gave me a tiny sample of Breathe. She saw how much I was suffering from a sinus infection and wheezing that I was plagued with for 6 months! During that 6 months I would take antibiotics but it would just come back stronger than ever. I have also had asthma since I was 13 so I was wheezing horribly even after using my nebulizer. Just by smelling this little bottle of essential oil 10 times I stopped wheezing! I was amazed and wanted to be desperately fixed. I bought a bottle of On Guard because my friend said it kills bacteria and viruses. In 3 days I could taste my food again and in 5 days I was all better! I was so amazed :-)
In the next 5 months I used that same 2 bottles to share with everyone who has a sniffle, cough or wheeze. I did not want to jump into another business that was going to cost me more money that I just did not have. When someone wanted to get oils I just referred them to my friend.  Then my friend came and told me that that three people had signed up and now I was loosing money! So with much prayer I whole heartedly sign up and hosted my first class. I had 5 friends and family get their own membership that day! I was supper excited! Since then I have had so much life change that I want to continue to share the fun things I have learned about the oils with everyone.  One of the biggest changes for myself is I no longer have asthma. Second is I have lost over 30 lbs. Third is I have more energy to do what I love. The last big life change is that my husband will soon be retiring from his day job and we can be a family all the time!
I hope you will start or continue your own health journey with me :-)
God Bless, and remember, mama has an oil for that :-)


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