What is an essential oil?

We hear about essential oils but do we really know what they are or what they can do for us?

For most of us it is a big fat NO!

I get it before learning about dōTERRA I had never even heard of essential oils. And to be honest with you if someone had rambled on about the chemical composition and big word this and big word that I would of just kept on going. I am so glad my friend did not do that she simply opened the bottle and let me smell some awesomeness!  I could feel the oil work as soon as I breathed in.... this, this right here is changed my life. I was so up set that no one had ever told me about oils and I dont want some one to be upset with me later because I did not tell them about what they can have in their home for every health. This is why I share. So that the new Mom can get some rest and so can their little baby who has an ups set tummy , or a big little guy gets a scrape and just needs a little Mama love and a oil before running off to cause a little more trouble,  or a hormonal teen who just does not know what to do with themselves and Wild Orange just makes their day a little brighter. There is so many ways and reasons to use essential oils learning together we can make a huge impact in our family, community.

#iwanttoknow #howdoesitwork #essentialoils #oils #doterra #abetterway #mamahasanoilforthat


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