Valentines Day chocolates

All the chocolates and candy are so sweet on valentines day but here is a better option that will not leave that icky feeling after all the sweets. Pimples after eating chocolate are not a fun way to remember valentines day. They seem to never go away! Well I have an oil for that :-) A dab of On Guard on a toxin pimple will relieve the pain and get rid of it quickly. Here is a recipe for yummy healthy chocolate you can enjoy all year long with doTERRA essential oils that kick up the health benefits and leave the pimples behind.

1st step
 2 cups coconut oil
4 oz cacao butter
1/3 cup honey
1tbs coconut sugar
1 vanilla bean scraped
1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt

2nd step
2-4 drops your choice doTERRA essential oils
1 1/2 TBS cacao nibs separated
1 TBS coconut cream (if desired) great to add for a creamy center. 

Melt some of the coconut oil then put everything in the 1st step list in the blender. This will make white chocolate. Remove about 1/3 cup per batch into a glass small bowl. Add 2-4 drops of doTERRA essential oils in each batch to flavor your chocolate. I used lavender and lemon, pepermint, orange, ginger and orange, cinnamon and cassia, On Guard, and lemon. Try different combinations to see what you like best and make sure you used doTERRA essential oils so you are getting a pure product that has the health benefits. After you make your white chocolates add 1 TBS cacao nibs and blend till smooth. Take out as many batches as you want for your "milk chocolate" there is no milk in it but you could add 1 tbs coconut cream if you feel the need. The rest will be your dark chocolate. Add 1/2 TBS of cacao nibs and blend until smooth. 
Once you have all your molds filled if you have extra place in a bowl and place all in the fridge.  Remove the extra in the bowl once it is hard and let soften about 20 min. Then use a melon baller to make truffles.  You can roll in coconut flakes, cacao power, or whatever you think of. 
Keep chocolates all in your fridge until you are ready to enjoy. 


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