Natural hair care does not work....or so you thought!

Have you ever choked yourself on your hairspray? It is so nasty! There is a better way!
1 tbs sugar in 2 oz water with 4 drops wild orange and 2 drops frankincense. The wild orange smells amazing. It is uplifting and energizing, just what you need in the morning when you are getting ready. The  frankincense  is good for everything, especially mood, so this is a great combination. You can use whatever oils that brings you joy. You need a fine mist spray bottle.  Dissolve the sugar in the water over heat. Do NOT let it boil. Cool your mixure. Add your essential oils in your spray bottle then pour in your sugar water mix.
This works so well! I even used it on my daughter for her Allstar cheer competition and everything stayed in place better than regular hairspray! I can't believe I never knew there was a way to get the chemicals out and still have great results! It is amazing!

Not a hair out of place even after winning the National Championship! 


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