Bedtime accidents

My son is 8 years old and he is strong, handsome, has an amazing heart for others,  and active.  Potty training was not that hard, he got the concept and was able to remember to go as long as he was not playing a video game, Boys. :-) At night was a little different he would have accidents at night randomly about 2 times a week and we were never ready for it so it was difficult. We cut back his water intake after dinner and we would think this is the day that he is going to wake up if he needs to go, but it wasn't.  We started to use Cypress oil over his bladder every night and that helped so much! Cypress oil is like a muscle relaxer for the bladder so that in the middle of the night when you get the muscle spasms to go to the bathroom they are not strong enough to push out the urine.  It was amazing! He did not have an accident for months! He was so happy and so grateful one day he came to me and said, "Mom, I am so thankful that God gave us the oils so that I don't have to pee the bed anymore." It was so sweet and so true. I am so thankful God created the oils to help us too. It was such a great relief after trying and trying all we could do without any relief. 
After a few months he started to have an accident once every 2 weeks and very randomly. He had fallen off using Cypress every night so we got back on it but would still have random accidents we were at a loss again. My friend a Chiropractor mentioned that an adjustment could help with that. I was so excited that this might be the answer we were looking for!  When he went in she said he had the tightest lower back she had ever seen on a child! She could not adjust his lower back which is what he needed the most. Finding out he was so tight I knew what oils to apply for that, Past Tense, Deep Blue, AromaTouch, and Cypress- we were applying the Cypress over the bladder but now we would focus on the back instead. With the oils it is better to be consistent when applying but life happens and we have applied the Past Tense on his lower back almost every day and my Husband gave him an Aromatouch Technique this week. Last night when I  applied the Past Tense with a little light massage I could tell he was looser but I did not say anything and he went to bed. This morning he woke up at 5 am to go to the bathroom all on is own!!! He actually woke me up because we are on vacation in Maine and I helped him downstairs. I have never been more happy to be awake at 5! I gave him a kiss when I went back to lay down and he said to me, "I think the Past Tense worked because I drank a lot of water before bed." He did and I was worried but the oils worked and he was able to wake up to go to the restroom.  I am excited to go back to Vegas to see our Chiropractor to see if she can adjust him now that he is not so tight. We will keep up with the Past Tense and another AromaTouch Technique before we go back but I am excited for this problem to be completely resolved and to help others with the same issue.


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