Elk jerky!

 So easy to make!
You can do this with any meat. I like to use lean meat. Freeze your meat and let thaw about half way and you will be able to cut thin slices easily with a sharp knife.

 Spray with essential oils and water then salt with Real Salt. I used my Italian blend for this. Put in your oven on a wire rack at 170° F for 10 mins then turn off. Leave in for a few hours then turn over and do it again leaving it for 1 more hour. Spray again and salt then store in a bag in the fridge. Great to bring whenever you are on the go.

 #meat #carnivorediet #carnivore #salt #realsalt #jerky #beefjerky #sensitivity #oregano #marjoram #thyme #lime #huntingfood #liveofftheland #elkjerky #elk #elkmeat #mamahasanoilforthat


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