Want to be #real ???

 This is me

 This is real!

 Now I dont ever post pics of my body but this is it. #mombod I have birthed 7 children including twins and it has done a number on me. I have also not been kind to my body for a good portion of my life. I don't want that any more! I want to love the skin I am in. I want to feel good in it. I want my body to work like it should!

 It has been 17 months since my last baby and that pooch right there that is poking out the farthest has not gotten any better....well the massive bruising that the doctor caused across my belly is gone thanks to Helichrysum, frankincense, Deep Blue and time. I lost 20 pounds but my muscles are not back to normal and my ability to move my body how I use to is not there yet either. I pray it will be one day. I am focused on what I am putting in my body, what is good and not good for me with lab tests and listening to what my body is telling me. I will never be perfect but I want to live life to the fullest and one doctor not doing what he "normally does" by sewing up the muscles after a csection took that away from me.

But... I will be stronger and better coming out of this, I will over come this obstacle using every tool available to me that works for me, especially my oils. I am thankful for the people in my life who support me and help me to grow so I can return the favor to them or someone else one day. Together we can sharpen and define one another so that we all can be better!

#thisisme #healing #distaserecti #fromthedoctor #csection #cantsuckitin #hernia #prognosticos #tummytuck #mentallystrong #sprituality #strong #bodystrong #stronger #together #strongertogether #ironsharpensiron #mom #7kids #twins #twinpregnancy #surogate #3forthem4forus #carnivore #meatheals #sensitivity #viome #knowyourbody #knowyourworth #bethebestyou #mamahasanoilforthat


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